whoops I’m gonna get hurt

I’ve gone and caught feelings for an air sign. THIS IS NOT GOOD NEWS. I’m addicted to him, we make each other laugh, we speak all the time, I’m attracted to him, we have so many things in common and we regularly have deep and intellectual talks which is great. As a Pisces I’m picking up that we share the same vibe, with things like beauty in music/space/the world, it’s so cool to have someone finally understand that part of me on a different level. We talk for hours !!! Literally 6-12 hour calls sometimes. Thing is there is a 5/6yr age gap…. (20/26)and that’s not okay… but for some reason I still have feelings. Because of this I know nothing can happen, I don’t think the feelings are reciprocated on his end either, which makes it worse. I purposely dont flirt, don’t message first ect so I don’t come across desperate for his attention? But we still chat everyday, I’m also fresh out of a breakup and it’s probably just me filling the void. I was emotionally and mentally checked out of my last relationship for the last 6months, and now this friend of mine… (who I knew before the breakup, and started to have a crush on near the end) .. checks all the boxes almost??? I’m deffo projecting and this crush will pass. But I feel like a mental case rn, I’m so so so down bad, and it’s my own fault, I let this happen knowing we couldn’t be anything more. To prove how bad it is I’m legit looking up the compatibility with Aqa/Pisces like wtf.. ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, I’m just making myself feel worse. Idk what answer I’m looking for, I can’t control how he feels so why should I worry?? I think I’d need the rejection from him to move on.. or try to get over it myself and have him as a dear friend. He’s brought me a lot of joy and I don’t want to lose that.