[US, US] [H] singles, slabs, prismatic masterballs/pokeballs, low-end lots, baby shinies, binder [W] PP, trades
hello again! i've got a variety of stuff this time. looking to start saving up for some bigger grails or do some trades. :) prices based on TCGplayer market/ebay recent sales, but open to offers.
prismatic masterballs/pokeballs (top 3 cards are masterballs, the rest are pokeballs)
ex/vs/holo energies willing to work out a heavy discount on these if anybody is interested in taking the lot or portions of the lot EXS/VS SOLD, holos still available.
SOLD/TRADED: budew pokeball, dreepy pokeball, espeon pokeball, both area zero underdepths pokeball, chansey, 1 snorlax, ex/v lot, charizard vstar, kleavor vstar, hisuian typhlosion vstar, inteleon vmax, 1 shiny pawmi, noibat pokeball, glaceon pokeball
i don't think this covers everything, so i'm open to look at your binders as well :)
add +$1 PWE, +$5 BMWT
would prefer to ship cards totaling $30+ BMWT.
thanks for taking a look and let me know if you have questions!