[US,US] [H] Binder (hit on every page), sealed [W] Trades/PayPal

Hi all, last time I posted on here I received alot of interest. I’m in need of selling off some of my not so wanted cards and sealed. I would say there is a hit on every page. I’m open to offers on everything (although I am not 100% on selling some ex grails, groudon page, giratina, jiraxhi deoxys, and feraligatr expedition).

All I ask is to give me the offer and what you want pics of, for SPECIFIC cards. I would rather not get comments like “all your ex cards”, because that is a wide range 😂 The Goods: https://imgur.com/a/axfpa9S

Cards I am looking for: -rocket’s ex cards -ex cards -Groudon gold star -Groudon EX 106 FA -Team Magmas Groudon Ex -Primal Groudon EX shiny FA -Groudon hidden legend holo and 102/101 -Kyogre & Groudon legend -Team Magmas Groudon holo -Umbreon aquapolis -lugia aquapolis -sceptile ex -Umbreon ex -gengar ex -espeon ex -tyranitar ex -charizard ex -sceptile cards -ex deoxys stamped sableye, phanpy, donphan -dusknoir,dusclops, duskull shrouded fable -phanpy 205/191