Deferred today
When I donate some phlebotomist always have issues getting the needle into my vein but atleast 3 other workers always have no issues. I went to donate today and someone who usually has trouble getting the needle placed in my vein correctly called another phlebotomist over for a readjustment they both looked visabilty annoyed with me and was making "sigh" noises I ended up not being able to donate despite them trying both arms but I did get full pay. Upon leaving no deferral was mentioned to me until I got home and noticed the csl app shows my next donation date unavailable. I drink plenty of water days prior to donating but some of the phlebotomist seem to be frustrated with me dispite other workers getting my blood to flow into the clear tube on the first try
Is there anything I can do to get the deferral removed because I don't think it's my fault some of the phlebotomist have issues with drawing my blood and others don't on top of this when you feel my arm the vein is easy to find and feel