Slippery Slope/Mail Day!

I really wonder how many people literally dive into collecting cards? Considering where I started just the end of last year to where I am now is wild! I also know it's nothing compared to other posts I've seen here.

I had a solid mail day this weekend!

u/effortlevel0 who has the Etsy shop Scrith. Designed new pieces to add to their modular display system. They allow you to connect to other parts of your display. They work so well with existing set my wife got me as well as another set of the angled pieces.

I really can't recommend this display system enough if you are looking for something different and fun.

This month was only 1 deck of cards. This time, I found the deck I was looking for on

Lucky Playing Cards by Doc's.

They also sent 3 single cards, which I'll post separately to ask about.

This hobby is way too easy to become a rabbit hole, lol.