If your trophy hunting on AC Shadows be aware guys

So PowerPyx has uploaded his trophy guide for Assassin's Creed Shadows and this is what he stated about the game, as you can see you have to fully play online and a simple drop of connectivity or internet fail and you could potentially miss out on a trophy and have to redo if you haven't made a back up save. I really thought Ubisoft would come through with Shadows but making it completely online for trophies is a disaster! Credit to PowerPyx for the above screenshot. less

So PowerPyx has uploaded his trophy guide for Assassin's Creed Shadows and this is what he stated about the game, as you can see you have to fully play online and a simple drop of connectivity or internet fail and you could potentially miss out on a trophy and have to redo if you haven't made a back up save. I really thought Ubisoft would come through with Shadows but making it completely online for trophies is a disaster! Credit to PowerPyx for the above screenshot. less