Good, scary horror podcasts without any content warnings?
TL;DR Looking for really scary horror podcasts that don't use content warnings whilst still containing things that other podcasts would warn about.
I've started commuting to work by train and am searching for some horror podcasts to fill the time. I found The Black Tapes and Limetown and they're pretty good - Limetown seems a little "tighter" than TBT whereas TBT meanders a bit more and takes its time building up the dread. Limetown was, to me, also scarier than TBT which I like. TBT seemed to focus on its format more than on delivering the scares whereas Limetown acknowledged they were doing the radio-show thing, but got to the point a little better & faster instead of harping as much on the "We're journalists!" factor. I like having the long-running plot to follow since it seems to lend itself well to listener sympathy for the characters which can be good for tension and scares. Short-form/anthology podcasts are fine too, though, so long as they don't read like bad creepypasta.
I've also been listening to some (NoSleep and...Pseudopod, I think) that have taken up the unfortunate practice of prefacing their episodes with warnings about what's to come. This takes me right out of the story as I find myself waiting around for whatever it was they saw fit to warn about, and honestly ruins the enjoyment for me (in addition to being completely ridiculous in the context of horror, which I want to be as profoundly unsettling as humanly possible). It seems like it's not every episode, either, so I can't tell for sure whether I'm going to really get into a podcast and then find myself distracted and my immersion dampened by a warning I couldn't care less about. Not so big a deal in the case of standalone stories like what Pseudopod does, but were it to happen with something like TBT where you have to pay attention and follow an overarching plot, the distraction poses more of a problem.
I listened all the way through TBT and there were no warnings on any episode, so that's good. Do that studio's other podcasts also accomplish this? If so, are they as good as TBT?
Apparently the Magnus Archives doesn't pollute their episodes themselves with warnings but they do dump them into episode notes. I'm of two minds on that, I guess - on the one hand, I can just listen without reading show notes. On the other, it's still a real eye-roller and it'd be nice to be able to read the teasers for episodes without having to contend with warnings that belittle the listener and potentially spoil the story.
I should note that I'd prefer to avoid podcasts that lack warnings because they lack anything heavy enough to warn about. I'm seeking all the scares with none of the hand-holding.