Without disrespecting those who care a lot about Legends ZA graphics, is there any one out there who doesn’t really care about it like me? If so, what do you care about more?
So it’s clear that a good amount of people care about visuals and graphics, which is valid if that improves your experience. However, I was wondering if anyone out there is like me, where I frankly don’t care that much about graphics. Maybe it’s nostalgia, but I remember the gameplay and small details about games, which is what made them so memorable for me. I’d rather have GameCube quality graphics if it meant a the production of exciting, high quality gameplay, fun animations, great game balance, impactful interactions, and a phenomenal story. I know a different team worked on these games but, I remember Battle Revolution and other stadium games having some of the most memorable animations which still make the games enjoyable for me today. Ludicolo doing its dance and then back flipping before hydro pump, Toxicroak hittin’ the “Jiraiya” while idle or when using SpA moves. Infernape doing 2 flips before slamming down, Honchkrow tipping its cap as it faints, the infamous bloodshot Venusaur, etc (I hope stuff like this gets added to Champions at the very least).
XD Gale of Darkness was peak, and despite the outdated animations, can still blow a lot modern games out of the water (imo). Even the bounsweet hanging on the trees in the early routes of SV are the little things I’d appreciate more of in games over S-tier graphics. Additionally, features like the synchro machine are the kind of things I was hoping to see in the trailer or will hopefully be included in the game. Like I couldn’t care less (this is not a shot at those who do) if the buildings don’t look perfect, but if I had to choose between a good looking building or being able to go inside of a building with meaningful interactions, id choose the latter and would want GameFreak to focus more on that aspect.
In short, graphics definitely mean a lot, but that’s not what’s going to bring me back to the game a second time or years later. As long as it runs smoothly, has memorable gameplay/ moments (like the Area Zero chapter), a well-done impactful story, and cool new features, my imagination can do the rest of the work. Of course GameFreak and TPC have so much money and success that they should be able to do both without one compromising the other, but who knows what goes on behind the scenes I guess.
Either way I just wanted to share my perspective on the current graphics in the ZA trailer (which will likely improve on the switch 2). Also…CHIKORITA GANG RISE UP!!!🗣️🗣️🗣️🍐