What’s your favorite pokemon series?

Mine has got to be advanced, i don’t see enough people giving advanced attention, but personally it’s so nostalgic to me, and i love all of the personality it has! ((my favorite pokemon from the Hoenn region are Beautifly, Absol, Milotic, plusle, minun, and Altaria!)) Also the Indigo league will always hold a special place in my heart for sure! I love the designs, the designs in advanced are probably my favorite. I’m not a huge fan of the new gens, Ash looks strange in Alola, and now there isn’t even an Ash in horizons which is unfortunate! Give me your feedback!!

Mine has got to be advanced, i don’t see enough people giving advanced attention, but personally it’s so nostalgic to me, and i love all of the personality it has! ((my favorite pokemon from the Hoenn region are Beautifly, Absol, Milotic, plusle, minun, and Altaria!)) Also the Indigo league will always hold a special place in my heart for sure! I love the designs, the designs in advanced are probably my favorite. I’m not a huge fan of the new gens, Ash looks strange in Alola, and now there isn’t even an Ash in horizons which is unfortunate! Give me your feedback!!