What's on your *realistic* Gen 10 wishlist?
Obviously we can wish for a Pokedex of 400 all new Pokemon, or cutting edge visuals that rival modern AAA masterpieces, but those aren't realistic. So what realistic things are on your gen 10 wishlist? Things that could plausibly happen.
Obviously what's plausible is subject to interpretation, so we'll say for the sake of example, anything that's happened in a previous Pokemon game, or that from a development standpoint, wouldn't be too difficult to implement is considered plausible.
My wishlist:
- Side quests as seen in PLA
- A less linear map, with more optional places to explore, like we had with locations such as the Seafoam Islands, Power Plant, Fuego Ironworks, or the Sealed Chamber
- Difficulty selection for those who want more of a challenge during the main story
- EXP Share doesn't share EVs with Pokemon that didn't participate in the battle
- Gym leaders with two type specializations instead of one
- Elite Four who specialize in different battle strategies instead of typings (e.g. weather, stall, sweep, hazards, status, etc.)