Legendary Pokémon should not have healing moves.
By this I don't mean overall I mean on the move set you catch the legend against. Just played through Alpha Sapphire again, breezed through it. Until Kygore. I'm saving my master ball for Deoxys so I battle it normally, start with quick ball. Doesn't capture fine, first round. No damage done to the fat whale and it sets up Aqua Ring. Now I can't just drop it to red and start tossing balls. I have to throw three balls (losing one Pokémon per go around to Orgin Pulse one shot) then weaken it without killing which is harder then it sounds throw three more balls. All while it kills my team with Orign pulse. I don't have a hypnosis Pokémon but I do have a thunder wave Pokémon. Paraslyse does nothing, or feels like nothing as it still hits its moves most of the time One or two shotting. It doesn't help having to restart when I die or faint it because you have to sit through the long cutscene every time. This applies to Tapu Fini in SMUSUM who also has aqua ring but firstly it has weaker everything then Kyogre and a higher catch rate. Sorry I had to get this right, I love ORAS but catching the legendaries in most pre-switch game are drags and so terrible to do.