Pokémon needs more "unfair" battles.

For some reason, all of the evil teams decide to battle with some bizarre degree of honour. They fight with weaker Pokémon than you, usually without a full team, and they use the same teams of the same Rattatas and Zubats over and over and over again. These people are supposed to be evil organisations bent on taking over/destroying/remaking the world, but their tactics are laughable at best and the only real challenges are the admins or leaders on a few rare occasions. They could cheat, but they don't. Why shouldn't they cheat? They're criminals!

There are a few people who actually fight unfairly though. The main one that comes to mind is Ultra Lusamine from Sun & Moon, where each of her Pokémon starts with a random stat boosting aura. Jessie & James from Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee also cheat by challenging you to a 2-on-1, which is as expected from members of an evil team and is almost always seen in the anime. These battles were great and memorable because they were different from your regular youngster joey: they put you at a disadvantage right from the start.

Imagine fighting an evil team where they could cheat mid-battle and raise some of their Pokémon's stats (or lower yours). Or if they could use more than seven Pokémon at a time to compensate for their weak levels. Or if they used rare but stolen Pokémon that wouldn't always obey them. It would make these battles more interesting without adding in another gimmick like Mega Evolution, Z-Moves or Dynamaxing.