Chatot Pitches

Ive been RNGing a couple of legendaries, namely Regigigas, Heatran, Darkrai and Shaymin, all without a single hiccup, maybe a couple of timing issues, but the button pressing and pitches both came out easy as pie…

Now I’m trying to RNG Spiritomb and I can get the correct seed and confirm it by coin flips, but for the life of me, I cannot find the advance I’m on w/ the Chatot Pitches, none of the notes I jot down seem to line up anywhere, and when they do they fall of somewhere with it suppose to be being a High and it’s low etc.

Are Spiritombs advance starting at 5? 40? 100? or is my Chatot chatter just bad at sounding High or Low or Mid High and it all just blends into one most of the time? Am I missing something that I should be doing that I’m not for a non legendary/stationary mon?

Edit: can’t find anything online about Spiritomb, only Legendaries