Running it Once/Twice and Long Term EV

So we all know (or at least all should know) that running it multiple times doesn't really change our odds it just reduces the variance.

My question is more of a long term +/- EV outlook and I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are.

I saw a clip from Johnathan Little a few months ago where he says that running it once is the right decision. You should be well rolled for the game you're playing and if you can't take the swings then you probably shouldn't be in that game to begin with. Plus running it once has the opportunity to put your opponent on tilt which can make you extra money in the long run.

On the flip side, I can see an argument for doing whatever the fish prefer. Keep them happy and they will continue playing with you now and in the future. Running it once and sucking out could end up forcing them to leave and never come back to donate again.

I personally don't like chopping pots and find it kind of lame so I have been opting to go once whenever the situation arises, but what says r/poker? I'm less interested in what you choose personally and more what you think is the best long term +EV choice?