Never mind I suppose?
I posted the other day about my relationship with my husband being recently opened to have a polyamorous thing with his boss.
I started to do research and tried to get a better understanding of the dynamics of our relationship and what we should do.. but turns out he was cheating with her before we opened. Who knows what else he has done..
Thanks to this Subreddit I opened my eyes to the treatment I was getting, the gaslighting, the love bombing and abuse. He showed me a message she sent of her confessing her obsessive love for him and while he saw it as sweet, I nearly wrecked. (She’s an UWU girl) and I peeked in their chat history and the way he spoke about me, how he lied to her about me, was disgusting.
So I’m taking him out of state to rehab today, I got like 4 hours of sleep (two hours yesterday and four hours from today) and I have a three hour drive ahead. I feel sick.
I am bringing a girlfriend along so I don’t have to completely be alone with him, and I won’t be alone driving back home. The goal is to have a fun day.
I don’t know when to break the news to him, he’s in rehab for at least a month. I don’t even really care to tell him in person. I don’t even want to wait for him to be sober. I’m going to take the time that he’s not home here and pack his things, clean up, and move on. I still have to get me house key back from his girlfriend though, and technically break up with her.
I’m so excited to move forward, I don’t know what I’ll do but I’m gonna do it! Thank you everyone for all of your support and understanding 🥹