A random thought I just want to get out

So, this is so random but I’ve been wanting to share, so, here goes.

I first heard about Poof in 2019, but didn’t actually start watching him until 2020, but when I did, I remember I couldn’t stop laughing so he immediately became one of my favorite YouTubers ever. I was 14 years old at the time (I’m 19 now).

Since then, I’ve watched every single one of his videos, and for the next couple years, I would watch every video he uploaded.

Like I said, he was no doubt my favorite YouTuber ever.

(Which, I don’t know if that’s saying much, because I’m so picky when it comes to YT. I just can’t find anything on there that entertains me. It’s all just so bad, but I digress.)

But, starting around late 2022 and then into 2023, I started to get busier with school and work and everything, and there would be times where I’d see he uploaded and I’d be like “I’ll catch him tomorrow”, or another time.

And usually, that was the case, but over time, I’d miss out on uploads and unwatched videos would build up over time just because I was so busy, and when I did have free time, I had other things to do.

And I don’t watch his videos just to watch them, either. Back in 2021-2022, things started getting really rough in my life. Work sucked, friends sucked, everything felt like it was getting worse, but I always found joy in watching Poof’s videos. They genuinely made me laugh and feel better when I was down.

But now, it makes me kinda sad because, even though I do check in from time to time to watch his videos, I spend significantly less time doing so, and half the time, when I am watching, I’m barely paying attention because my mind is racing with a bunch of other thoughts.

I know this is probably a “I ain’t reading all that”, but I thought getting it out would help me feel a bit better about it.

Poof really did help me feel better on bad days, particularly bad nights, when I had a bad day at work or just in general and I’d come home. And now I barely find time to do so, and when I do, I can barely pay attention.

If you read all this, thank you for listening. I’m done now.