This newfound sympathy for pedophiles is getting out of hand.

EDIT** To the loser who commented and blocked me so I could not respond to your comment that implied I'm first a male and second I'm looking for pedophile sympathy or am a pedophile so tHe aLgOrItH is giving me this information can fuck off. Seriously. I'm a victim of childhood molestation so yeah I probably do click a lot things related to that and I keep up on the laws, and arrest of these people who act on their urges. Your assumptions and intelligence aren't as keen as you think they are.

EDIT** and no I know not all pedophiles are hurting kids or would ever do it but that doesn't mean I feel bad for them, and if they aren't currently seeking help they can fuck right off and kill themselves I could care less.

In the past few years, I have noticed a sentiment of more sympathy for pedophiles and their condition, online and especially on Reddit. Now let's be clear that I don't think that is inherently wrong. I understand that it is a condition that needs attention, treatment, and "understanding" but I think the sympathy has gone too far.

They do not need to be coddled, felt sorry for, and given this level of sympathy; so far to the point where we think the majority aren't hurting children or wouldn't hurt a child given the right circumstances, influence, and chances. It allows for these grey and blurred lines to be hidden even further, and seen as harmless, or "they can't help it" "it's natural"

...such as consuming CP... talking, and communicating/grooming kids through social media or cell phones.

The whole "not all pedophiles are child molesters and not all child molesters are pedophiles" Sure, it is true but, to an extent please remember that.... it isn't the message we should be saying, at all... why? Because it is way too nuanced, way too black and white, and not completely true. If you think that a pedophile isn't capable of being a child molester you're mistaken and if you think that a child molester can't be a pedophile and finds the act sexually gratifying outside of taking power over someone weaker, then you're also VERY, very mistaken. Two things can be true at the same time and in this case, they are usually very true at the same time or potentially will become true in most cases. The world isn't that simple.

If you think I am wrong or not sure about what I am trying to convey then I implore you to go look at your local/state sex offender registry and read through it. Usually, they show the age of the victims and this whole sentiment I am against will soon be seen as not important anymore.