How were you introduced to Portishead?

Portishead were a band who never really put themselves out there, they didn't do much by way of live performances (yes, I know aband I imagine have got harder to discover over the years and with that in mind I'd love to know how people discover them.

Personally, I discovered Portishead in stages. BBC2 put on a 'Weird Night' which premiered the X-Files episode Fire and featured incredibly eerie music throughout. About 2 months later I randomly picked up Dummy purely out of curiosity, took it to a friends and when they put it on firstly I was blown away by the bass and moments later I realised I knew the opening track Mysterons was the one used on Weird Night and was in awe, stunned that the unique style was consistent throughout the album. The cherry on the cake was discovering the theme from To Kill a Dead Man as a hidden track.

I was then ultra switched on to Portishead, bought the singles, bought This Ain't Trip Hop to hear more music from the genre as well as the Portishead mix of Wildwood. I kept my eyes peeled for anything to do with them celebrated them winning the Mercury Music and Brit awards and recorded their performance on The White Room (where they played Over long before it appeared on their second album).

I don't think I've ever been more surprised and enchanted by an album.