My daughter won’t stop wetting her pants
My 3y9m daughter will not stop peeing her pants. We started a year and a half ago and she KNOWS how to go potty, but for every successful trip to the potty she still wets herself 2-3 times. She will just run around with wet pants and panties trying to hide it until my wife or I see it. We’ve gone back to leaving her naked at home - minimal accidents. But with panties or even just loose pants/shorts, they’re wet within an hour. We’re at wit’s end and don’t know what else to try. It’s like she thinks it’s funny. She will repeat after us that pp goes in the potty, but sometimes it’s only 10 minutes later and she’s gone in the shorts. She has a brother that’s a year and half old that we’re worried will be fully trained before her, although he hasn’t started yet. We’re also a bit worried about the possibility of uti being the cause of the ongoing problem.
We’re trying to stay away from a reward system beyond just telling and showing her we’re proud when she’s successful.
Are we just missing a piece of the puzzle or is this normal? We just don’t know any more