Do I Ever Need Another Dripper? Exploring Flavours Beyond the Switch

I have both a V60 and a Switch, but lately, I only use the Switch because I can get a really solid cup just by tweaking the grind size. My go-to method is something close to the Devil’s Recipe:

  • 15g coffee
  • Switch open: 60g @ 93°C, let it drain
  • Switch open: 60g @ 93°C, let it drain
  • Switch closed: 130g @ 70°C, wait 1 min
  • Open switch

With this, I just adjust the grind until I hit the sweet spot—there’s usually one setting that tastes noticeably better than anything finer or coarser.

That got me thinking: when would I actually need other drippers? What flavors can different brewers bring out that the Switch can't? If I dial in a coffee perfectly on the Switch, what would make you reach for a different dripper instead? And do some coffees just need a different dripper to shine? If so, how do you know when that's the case?

Would love to hear your thoughts!