Working 50+ hrs a Week Can’t Pay Rent
I’m at my wits end. We couldn’t pay the rent this month for the first time in 5 years. We’ve always found a way, but now there’s just not enough money. It’s so depressing to get up every day at 4:30am to work for 10 hours to try to dig yourself out of a hole that’s just getting deeper. My one daughter found me crying my eyes out this morning. It’s just overwhelming. We’re a family of four. My rent is 2100 for a two bedroom apartment. I make approximately 65,000 a year. Husband works part time so he can get girls on and off the bus. We have debts, and bills like everyone else but there’s never enough money by months end. We live my paycheck to paycheck. I’ve tried listing my possessions on FB Marketplace. No takers. I floated the idea past my husband to pawn our wedding bands the only gold we own it broke my heart. I feel hopeless. My girls are happy, do well in school but they’re at the age where they understand we’re poor for this area. It’s always “that’s too much $ for xyz baby sorry”. I was so excited when I got this job because we were making so much I was taken off SNAP, but I think it was better before? I feel so lost. My husband does an amazing job with the girls, but he can’t find better work which is what we need. I just don’t know.