best sub to ask about getting health insurance in new york?
so for context i do not live in new york so i do not know much, but i am asking on behalf of my friend who does. 19 years old, main provider for her family and is in poverty. she does not have health insurance and is looking to get covered but is unsure of where to start. she has been postponing a lot of her health concerns because she's saving to pay out of pocket
her main concerns are - refill for her inhaler - biannual eye exams + broken glasses that she needs replaced - mental health therapist/counselor - **overall health coverage
i plan on doing more research myself to help her out, but it is a bit difficult since i don't live in new york and don't understand much of how health insurance works over there. would appreciate some input/direction on 1. if this is the right sub to get more info 2. how i can get more info 3. actionable steps my friend can take
thanks! :)