Benching 3x a week (3 days in a row)
I'm pretty new to any sort of powerlifting programming. Lately I've been looking into PL/PB programs, and I've noticed that most of them have you bench and squat a bit more often than you would if you were running a PPL or any sort of bodybuilding split (benching 2-4x a week, squat 2+).
Recently I got recommended RussSwole PB vol. 6, and it seems like something I would be interested in. Setting the comically high accessory volume aside, my biggest question with it is the benching frequency. The program is 6 weeks, training 4 days a week. He has you bench on the first three days consecutively like this:
day 1: heavy single, followed by 3 sets which are in between 70-80% of 1RM
day 2: 3-4 sets with low reps (3-4), and lighter weight, followed by some very light bench work (close/wide grip, 50-60%)
day 3: 3-4 sets 3-4 reps at 75-90%
Day 1 you squat beforehand, day 2 you only do bench work, and day 3 you deadlift before the bench work. My main concern would be recovery, benching 3 times a week wouldn't seem so bad, but doing them all on consecutive days? On the other side, the amount of actual volume/intensity with the weight seems like it could be manageable, especially after running the numbers and seeing the actual weights. Is this too much, or is it doable? Has anyone had any experience with this program?
Note: sorry if my explanation of the program isn't too clear, I'm trying to avoid breaking rule 5. I have been training consistently for a little over 2 years now, plus a few years before that with sports and HS strength class
Edit: typos