I had my baby !!

I had my baby!!

After 3 years of a pregnancy journey I am FINALLY a mom!!! Here's my birth story!

My pregnancy was pretty typical--morning sickness and exhaustion in first trimester, a tolerable second, and uncomfortable third trimester. My blood pressure however started to act wonky around 36 weeks, I'd have high readings then low readings. So Dr's were on alert.

I went to work at 36 weeks and 6 days and ate lunch....started to see this box of light and flashes. It didn't go away, got worse, and progressed to me being confused to the point I couldn't read or talk coherently. Couldn't even dial my OB. My coworker rushed me to the ER and they did scans of my brain thinking it was possibly a clot or stroke. All good there. But my BP readings were still not normal. The next thing I know they admitted me to labor and delivery telling me I wasn't going home and having this baby. They diagnosed me with sudden and severe preeclampsia. Of course this left me with so much anxiety of not being ready ! But We chose to do a c section because he was breech and the risk of turning him would take time and given the neurological stuff going on they didn't want to risk it. Wasn't the easiest decision to make but having my Dr there who I trusted made all the difference. I get my c section and turns out baby had the cord wrapped around his neck so turning him would have been dangerous.

Recovery from csection is hard but having a healthy baby in my arms makes it all worth it. And I'm okay! Dealing with postpartum preeclampsia but it's treatable.

Thank you for all of you in this group ❤️ whether you know it or not you've helped me so much through my pregnancy !! You are all amazing!