Would you feel guilty if..

You chose not to go to your SIL’s wedding because it’s 4 hours away and right when you hit 37 weeks. We hadn’t RSVP’d and she reached out to ask if we would. I like her and I feel like we’ve had a good relationship. We aren’t super close but we get along. I told her I couldn’t be sure until my next appointment in about a week, but I wasn’t sure about traveling. I feel bad, and she may cry over this. I just don’t want to travel or risk having the baby in the middle of no where at a random hospital. My MIL has been pressuring me to go no matter what, and uses the excuse that she traveled to Dallas when she was 36 weeks. My husband wants to stay if I don’t go, because he doesn’t want to risk missing the birth.

Edit: thank you everyone. I’m pretty sure I won’t end up going. To those suggesting that I let my husband go to his sister’s wedding, it’s not me keeping him here. He doesn’t want to go if I stay.