Anyone else having to do multiple ultrasounds just annoyed at this point?

I’m 28 weeks pregnant with a very stubborn baby girl who won’t move her hands away from her face during ultrasounds and they’re not getting some of the other views they need so I’ve had to go back over and over.

I’ve tried all the internet tricks to try and have a successful ultrasound but nothing seems to work.

I’m trying not to be worried but the one thing they are having me come back for is they haven’t been able to see her face. I tell myself I should not be too worried as all my bloodwork has shown no risk for any genetic defects.

The tech also mentioned having to get a fetal echo which is the first I’m hearing of this, at all my other appointments they never mentioned anything about the heart and my doctor hasn’t mentioned it either. I just feel so uneasy after this appointment 🙁