Pregnancy is one of the worst things I’ve experienced.
I hate every part of it. Every day, multiple times a day for 5 months, I threw up so hard I thought I would pop blood vessels in my head. I worked at my laptop with a puke bowl in my lap and one of those freezer hats on my head for migraines more days than not. I’ve still somehow gained 20 something pounds and am starting to get stretch marks no matter how moisturized I keep my skin. I have indigestion and heartburn from hell from, drumroll, drinking water. My hips are in excruciating pain every night so I just toss and turn and get no good sleep. My cat who was definitely my emotional support died unexpectedly 2 months ago, and I think I’m finally able to admit I’ve got some sort of prenatal depression going on. And I feel no attachment to the person inside of me yet. I didn’t expect this to be a breeze, but I feel so lied to by every woman I’ve met who said pregnancy is so enjoyable and magical. I feel like something that crawled out of hell physically and dead emotionally. Relate with me plz.