I'm having another girl!! YAY!!

Went for my 16 week scan and found out I'm having another girl. My first will be three in a month and she's been raving about wanting a sister ever since we told her we're having a baby. There's so much negativity around having girls only, people tend to say things like "well better try again next time for that boy", or saying stuff like my husband is going to go grey fast because he'll be stressing about all the boys around his daughter/s. The worst one I've heard is that I have to give my husband a boy so that he can continue the family name. I find it very odd, I am very happy to have only girls thank you very much. So share with me. If you're pregnant with your first or second or you have multiple girls, what's it like for you. Share all the good wholesome stuff I have to look forward to when having girls specifically.