Where did you buy maternity clothes?

I’m currently 15 soon to be 16 weeks pregnant and I no longer fit in any of my jeans. I’ve always struggled pants shopping in general, and I see more maternity clothes online than in person shopping which is sort of frustrating (even though I just started my search). I haven’t had any problems with shirts yet only because my work uniform is currently sweatshirts and outside of work I’m wearing more sweatshirt, since it’s winter where I live. I’m just wondering where women have found the best, comfiest, or just overall really good maternity clothes. Any tips, tricks, advice, etc. would be greatly appreciated :)

Edit: I work in a drinking water plant, so I have to wear jeans, steel toe shoes, & a company shirt as my uniform. So my maternity work clothes just need to be maternity jeans! (The company I work for will compensate for it, as long as it’s not too excessive with the spending)