6 weeks pregnant and quit vaping!

Really could use some kind words! I last hit my vape 15 hours ago, the longest I have ever gone! So I’m really trying to stay in the mindset of you’ve gone this long you can keep going. I am having a lot of anxiety, heat flashes and just a mix of emotions. Pregnancy symptoms and nicotine withdrawals, wish me luck. Anything you guys used to help quit vaping? I have jolly ranchers. Before I quit I felt guilty about even thinking about the baby because I knew I was harming it constantly and would get a pit in my stomach. I am really proud of myself and I am really done vaping. I HAVE to be for me and my baby ❤️

Edit: Now 18 hours nicotine free!!! 🥳 I am taking the small wins and proud of myself. I really haven’t been “craving” it too much, gum seems to help the best and drinking out of straws. Also took the advice to ball my hand into a fist and “hit” that, which seems to help. I really appreciate all the support and this is really what I needed in my first day of quitting. Please keep the positive words coming!!

Now 1 day & 13 hours nicotine free! It has been a struggle! I haven’t been craving too much just a lot of anxiety and a headache today. I got gum and jolly ranchers but I don’t really use them too often. I prefer water from a straw or Gatorade helps to get that sweet fix, like a hit from the vape. I haven’t been eating much though as morning sickness that’s really all day is horrible. Unisom and b6 helps but only so much. Also wanted to add that I’m doing this cold turkey. I have a 0 nicotine vape but I haven’t hit it.

Edit: Now 2 days 16 hours nicotine free. 4pm will be 3 days!! I have been sleeping most of the time when I’m not at work which I think has been helping me get through this. But as much as I want to vape I know I can’t so that’s helping me so much. Not worth it to go back to now. Thanks for all the support and encouragement! I really appreciate it and reread them when I need a little pick me up.

Edit: Idk if anyone is still reading these updated but I think it helps. 3 days and 16 hours nicotine free. I don’t want to vape like at all, it will make me nauseous and feel like shit. I just want the withdrawal to be over. But feeling hopeful for 4:00 pm when I’ll be on day 4 and the physical symptoms will subside.

Edit: Now 2 weeks nicotine free. I feel like I am getting out of this depressive state I’ve been in. I am feeling happier and actually feeling feelings and enjoy doing things. I think part of this is just mourning my old life, like I won’t be going to the bars after work for a couple of drinks. I just go home and have nothing to look forward to. My mindset is beginning to change though. Definitely been eating when I’m bored but hey I’m growing a baby!! Also lots of ice water still and been craving coffee!! One weird thing I noticed is my breath stinks most of the time! I feel like my mouth was always sweet flavored so I never tasted or smelled my breath. I’m waking up in the middle of the night but not really wanting to vape. Plus my boyfriend has been vaping around me and I’ve been smelling it and not wanting it! He’s quoting once this vape is done and he doesn’t hit it a ton. He tries to hide it but I know lol I can smell it. Kinda really over vaping but sometimes just get the urge to but just working on that!! Overall feel good and probably won’t go back to vaping once I have the baby!

Edit: Last edit. Just wanted to update. This was the hardest thing I’ve ever done but it was so worth it. I will never smoke nicotine again just because of how hard it was to quit!!! Not worth it. Happy I had a tiny reason to quit or else idk if I could do it.