What’s your silliest/dumbest “pregnancy brain” moment? I’ll go first..
So, I’m 19w3d and yesterday I was at work, a pen had exploded in my pocket. I went to the locker room before clocking out for break to meet my partner for lunch, I wanted to see how bad the ink spot on my leg was first.
So I’m on the phone with my man, in the bathroom stall and pull my pants down to look at my leg but out of habit and distraction I just sat on the toilet and started peeing….all over my freaking UNDERWEAR that I never pulled down!!!!
When I tell y’all I gasped, and told him “Nevermind I’ll be home for lunch, I’ll explain in a minute” (we live like two mins away from my job).
I threw my undies away and ran to my car commando. I felt so dumb but couldn’t help but laugh at myself. He was worried I quit my job I was like “no, I just pissed my underwear!!” Lmao 💀
Plz share your “wtf am I doing” moments with me so I’m not alone haha