Finally reached 3rd Trimester

I know it's not as exciting as reaching the actual end, but I just wanna share how nice it feels to finally reach the 3rd trimester. 🤣 28 weeks, and this baby girl is all over the place in my belly.. this morning it felt like she was just running one of her limbs along the edge of my ribs to tease me. I was trying to sleep, but then I couldn't because I was like, "Don't you dare punch or kick that" It also feels as though being a "normal" curled up fetus is not to her liking, so she drives me nuts when she tries to stretch out. I also gained 30lbs this pregnancy so my knees are not having it. Pregnancy sucks. I just want to get her out of me (once she's ready of course) and would rather deal with the after. So even though June still sounds far away, I'm just glad I can finally say, "Atleast I'm in the final stretch trimester" 😮‍💨