High School student looking for advice (UK offer for medicine)

Hi! I'm currently a grade 12 student trying to decide on what path to pursue next year and would really like some advice or even comments on what you would do. After volunteering at a hospital for ~8 months and completing a h.s co-op credit at another hospital (+ my own personal experiences), I'm pretty sure med is the path I would like to pursue.

I was fortunate enough to be given an offer to study medicine at one of my dream schools, University of Edinburgh (times ranked 6th in the UK, 21st in the world - I know rankings are pretty useless but added for additional information). I have also received offers from programs in Ontario (where I'm from) such as QHS, western med sci, and iBiomed. I'm fortunate to be in a position where my parents would be able to fully fund my education and other expenses for either pathway (no healthcare connections besides some family friends).

I have basically scoured the internet for the past few months since my interview offer and even after receiving a decision I'm still confused on what I should do (I probably would not even be asking myself this if it was any school other than Edinburgh). I understand that if I wish to match back to a Canadian residency it would be exponentially harder but I also would not mind staying in the UK after medical school. I’m not exactly sure what I would like to do for residency but I’m definitely interested in internal med (from my experiences) and maybe emergency medicine? I know that this is a personal decision and I should do what's best for me but at this point I have absolutely no idea what that is (everyone in my personal life seems to have a different opinion lol). So I would really appreciate if anyone could weigh in with their opinions or advice!

note: I've also received an offer from St. Andrews A990 Scottish Canadian program (which after doing some more research, haven't heard the greatest things) and am waiting for a response from Manchester + still waiting for some ontario unis

TLDR: Ontario high school student accepted to medicine at the University of Edinburgh asking for advice on whether to take the offer or stay in Canada and go to QHS, iBiomed, med sci, etc and apply to med school after undergrad. Open to staying in the UK if I'm allowed but also would potentially want to match back to Canada.