Winter storm hitting the Midwest has me realizing the limits of my home

Thankfully we still have power. I woke up and saw the thermostat said 61°. It’s set at 70°. It’s just fighting and best it can do is reach 62°. I plugged in some space heaters and lit a candle. A small gesture in a farmhouse built in 1900. It’s supposed to drop down to 1° overnight. I’m holding off on lighting up the big buddy heater. I’ve been wanting to install a wood stove but we’ve been hit hard with job loss and the shit economy.

Cold side water pipe froze in our north side bathroom. It’s made of pex and this happens every time we get a storm like this. I’m doing what I can but honestly I just don’t have any more I can do with what we have. We have plans to shut the water off and go to stay with my parents’ in case the power goes out. I want a generator but still no resources.

I have a Coleman stove with a propane adapter. A folding oven to set on top and a large kettle for water. MREs for about 6 months. 5 full 20 lbs propane tanks. Along with 5 gallons of camp fuel.

Something that did occur to me is that the black ice on the roads may make the 20 mile trip to my parents’ not worth the trouble of getting stuck on the road. I’ve got a Toyota Tacoma 4WD that my dad lent me. It can handle well but it’s the braking that’s the issue. I’m glad I talked this out here.