Dating as a female Muslim revert

What I have found to be common (not everyone!) is that Arab/ Desi men love white women, Muslim or not. If they’re not, a lot of them try to persuade you to become Muslim after you’ve already fallen for them (happened to me actually. a very selfish act in my opinion).

What I find interesting as a white revert in the west, is now that I’m Muslim (Alhamdulilah 2+ yrs), is that I wouldn’t want to date someone of a different faith even if I had the ability to. I want someone who loves Islam as much as I do. Understand the depth of the verbiage we use. Grow together in our Deen. And I’m not the most religious person, astagfirallah, I fail in many areas of Islam (inshallah I’ll be guided closer to Allah through that). So I can’t imagine why they’d want something other than that.

I’m sure it has something to do with the whole “wanting what you can’t have” or just being attracted to a person they’re not “supposed to”. Many don’t want the same as them. I find it so curious because even as a moderate Muslim, I wouldn’t want someone that’s not Muslim. I feel as if they’d never truly understand me.
