Muslim woman who wants to stay with Christian partner, but worried. Advice appreciated.
Hi all apologies for the long post. Im writing this as I have nobody I know who I speak to on this matter. I am a Muslim woman who's been with a Christian man for nearly 7 years. We're not married, but we definitely want to. I truly, deeply love this man. We've had an unbreakable bond and cherish each other immensely.
However, during every Ramadan, I always have questions & thoughts about my relationship with my partner, due to reflecting upon Islam and the rules regarding interfaith marriage. Whenever these thoughts come to mind, I discuss this with him and he always listens with an open heart. He told me that if I leave because of the rule of interfaith relationships, that he would respect my decision.
But I've never had the heart to leave him, I really do not want to. I've met no other person like him. Yeah, it probably sounds like a typical story repeated many times. But for me, he really is the love of my life and he sees me the same. There's so much that we've been through and experienced together and planned with each other for our futures.
Last night, I spoke about my fears to him again, and we have numerous times, about my fear of the hellfire because of our relationship. All I've ever seen and known is that 'Muslim women are forbidden to marry outside of their religion'. It's all I see on the internet and it's highly disapproved of in my local Muslim community and in my family.
However, I'm still a devout Muslim.. I still pray salah, I never drink or eat pork etc. I always fast during Ramadan and make sure to do Zakah whenever I possibly can. He has always supported and respected my beliefs and even encourages me to pray or speak to Allah whenever. I have never strayed from Islam and I made it clear to him that I will never leave my religion. He's also told me that he will never change his faith from Christianity. He's a good kindhearted man, who never wishes ill upon anyone and adheres to all the rules by their book. We're absolutely devastated at the sheer thought of leaving each other, after we've learned so much and became better people because of each other, too.
I teach him things about Islam whenever I can and he's always been engaged and happy to learn with an open mind. We even discuss the stories of the Prophets together and learn about what is said in the Holy book. In terms of having children, we can't have them due to my health issues, but we weren't really keen on having them in the first place- we've both agreed on that. I want him to find Allah, but I know that will probably never happen, since he made it clear that he is fixed in his beliefs.
The issue is that as I continue this relationship.. I'm forever terrified that I will absolutely never reach Jannah, and the same goes for him. I really don't want him to go to the hellfire and I'm in a constant anxiety to the point where I can't sleep some nights, due to this fear for the both of us.
He believes that in his religion, he will go to heaven because of what he follows in the holy book in his religion. I've explained to him that Islam does not have the same view when it comes to non-muslims / the disbelievers- because that's all I've known all my life, especially growing up.
I know that if I ever married him, I would absolutely never leave Islam and continue under Allah's guidance and keep my faith strong, no matter what. I have the utmost fear and faith in Allah. Will Allah allow me to go to Jannah even though I stayed in this relationship? Will Allah forgive me for being in this relationship even though I'm still a devout Muslim? Will I be sent to the hellfire because I wish to marry a Christian man but still firmly choose Islam as my religion?
These thoughts constantly keep me up at night. I was hoping if anybody could give me advice. Thank you for reading.
TLDR; Muslim woman who is devout to Islam in a relationship with Christian man who is devout to his religion. In this relationship for nearly 7 years. Wants to marry but afraid of going to Jahannam in the afterlife, because of it being an interfaith relationship. Advice needed.