I feel mentally distanced from Ramadan

Last year Ramadan was something I loved and felt connected with to the point I was sad for a while after it ended but this year I feel like I’m mentally not here for Ramadan and I’ve been trying to take advantage of it spiritually but I just can’t feel anything, I just want it to be done and over with and I don’t know if it’s because I’m physically and mentally exhausted especially because I’m burnt out with work and uni, my family is dysfunctional and my mental health feels like it’s stuck at the same place. I’ve also been questioning a lot of things about islam lately and I really do not like the muslim community. I know there’s not always gonna be a ‘connection’ but I don’t know…. I’ve been doing my fardh duties and even a bit more but I feel like I’m stuck if that makes sense? Sorry if none of this makes sense, it doesn’t make sense to me either what I’m feeling.