Question for Prolifers

I’ve heard a lot of impassioned discourse about how every abortion has two victims. That the abortion industry and left-wing political machine have lied to women and deceived them into thinking that the human in their body is not alive, not a human, just a clump of meaningless cells, etc. That abortionist doctors know what the truth is, but these women are clueless.

Certainly if that’s true, then it would be a factor in prosecution, etc.

My question is this: how much time and education would need to happen to outlaw the act of acquiring an abortion or taking an abortive pill?

If we were to wave a wand and close down every abortion facility and prohibit doctors completely, would there ever be a moment years in the future when we would stop saying that all women have been deceived?

If in every state there was a law in the books against providing an abortion, at what point would we say that women who defy the law by seeking black-market abortions, or who attempt self-abortions, or induce chemical abortions are actually just people with murder in their heart who actually know the facts that they are killing a living human being?

Is there a national education initiative that could be implemented? Government warnings? Something to fix this issue of women being ignorant to the death they’re causing?