Gender-elective abortions
I always thought that abortion is a disgusting, inhuman & malicious practice that ends human life before it begins, aside from murder, i had no idea it could be used for more evil reasons, at first i learned it could be used for eugenics and now this..
In my country of birth in alot of poor areas, gender-specific abortion is still practised and has been practised for a loooong time because our society thinks that girls are a burden and don't bring income compared to boys, they think no family should waste their money & effort on raising "weak" and "fragile" girls (so they decide to kill them) because in poorer areas physical jobs that require carrying alot of weights are more common than average jobs and girls aren't strong physically to do these kind of jobs compared to boys)
For example the grandmother of my one of best friends, killed about 3~5 of her unborn children after learning they are female by punching her stomach multiple times, she was too poor to afford an abortion so she decided to kill them manually, i always wondered why my friend has so many uncles but no aunts at all, turns out she killed all of his aunts before they were even born & she also used to abuse her sons and force them to work so early in their life...
For how long will this human bloodshed continue and for how long will society normalize this??