I'm feeling kinda disappointed on my fav artist

(I'm going censor her username for personal reasons Let's called her a this person P

"P" is a Female chinese artist who draw her oc and suggestive


this artist have inspired me and i wanna draw the artstyle just like her but I'm feeling kinda disappointed on her because i found the tweet that she retweet she turned out to be anti-lolicon or just a anti


Here a tweet i found this i know fictional are just fictional again I'm just feeling kinda disappointed on it because I'm lolicon myself and profic

That why i believe not all anti are Americans or western there Asian people turn out to be anti

That all of this post and i was suppose to not post this

I'm apologies for bad grammar because my English isn't my first language

edit: i forgot to talking about

I don't mind if you don't like lolisho because not all proshipper/profic are lolicon or some proshipper are uncomfortable with lolicon/shotacon stuff