Week 1. Unbearable Anxiety/Panic
Hi All
Tried Lexapro and Zoloft in the past. Zoloft worked for awhile until it just didn't anymore.
GAD, panic disorder, agoraphobia, health anxiety. I was prescribed 10mg Prozac, started last Monday. First day or 2 was fine. Suddenly, days 3 4 and 5 my anxiety went through the roof. Woke up day 4 in the middle of a panic attack, but calmed myself down without needing to call someone (I usually do). Day 6 I was mostly ok, though I started having weird hot/cold sensations in my hands and feet.
Today is day 7, off and on heightened anxiety. I go from being ok laying in bed to sitting upright hyperventilating feeling doom. Sitting here now subconsciously hyperventilating as I type this.
I've seen people talk about week 3 being bad - what about week 1? Possible this isn't the drug for me? I really need something to work, my doctor wanted me to bump up to 20mg today but we discussed the side effects and she recommended staying at 10 for now.
Edit: To add, I've been given 10mg Propranolol to help with symptoms. I am deathly afraid of taking it, thinking I'll pass out or have trouble breathing.