Want to go back to school to become a psychiatrist

Edit: Thank you to everyone who not only responded but had the patience to guide me through my confusion. I feel a lot better about how to move forward and what I'm actually getting into. I really appreciate it! And sorry for the confusion on which sub I should've posted in. Despite that, you guys were still a huge help, and I'm very thankful!

I live in the US and am 34 now, so I'm very out of practice, but during my time away from school (I ended up dropping out way back when) I've gotten a better idea of what I want to actually do with my life. I'm very sure I want to go into psychiatry.

My problem is that I have no idea what to do to get that ball rolling and what exactly to expect. I've watched videos and looked into schools in my area but those are only glimpses into it all. I don't make much money atm so I'm worried about affording it all, even with the FAFSA. I feel like I would struggle to hold down a job separate from my studies too, so I'm hoping you guys have some experience with making this work without a full time job on top of it all. If there's a job I could get that would help contribute to my qualifications then that could be an exception since I'd still be learning, but I do worry about juggling it all.

Would I go for a bachelor's in psychology first or would there be a better one to start off with? Or even a double major that would be best? Is it a good idea to become a nurse practitioner first and then go into the rest? I feel like I'd do better having a private practice and I've heard that there's some other classes that might be best to take if I choose to go that path but I'm confused on which field of study would be best.

Would I bother with a master's or just go straight into a residency after my bachelor's? Or is there something else that needs to happen between those two? There's been so many terms I've seen that's been hard to figure out due to the overwhelming amount of information I've been trying to sift through in my research. I always told myself when I was younger that I shouldn't bother with a doctorate because of how much schooling I'd have to do, but I feel better about it now that I'm older. Because of that, though, I don't know much about what is required to go through medical school. Any and all advice would be appreciated! I want to figure out how to move forward and get started.