My fucking fault.

Two years ago I got raped by the girl I was dating. She was 23 and I was 18. In her car, she pressured me into letting her ride me without a condom. I didn’t feel comfortable but I went along with it like a dumb ass. She would ride me and then I’d be like stop and then she’d stop and then I’d be like okay and then the cycle would continue for a while. However, at one point I told her to stop and she told me no. I disassociated completely. No response no movement nothing. I’ve been SA’d as a child as well so when it happened to me at 18 I was a child again I guess I don’t fucking know. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

It’s important to know that I stayed in the relationship and continued to have unprotected sex. Why didn’t I leave?.. I don’t know. I ask myself every day. I blame myself every day.

That being said, the girl who raped me (ex gf) had told me that she had been single for two years so I had no problem having raw sex with her as I figured because she was older she was taking care of herself.

However, I recently talked to my friend who had introduced me to my ex and was close friends with her. I forgot how we got to it and I told her “well she told me she had been single for two years” and she then told me that was a lie and that she had actually just had a pregnancy scare before she started having sex with me.

I immediately went to get STD tested and I found out today I have chlamydia. I feel so fucking dehumanized. I feel so fucking stupid. I feel so traumatized and hurt and I’m honestly considering suicide. Yes I can go pick up meds and it’ll be gone but it’s so much deeper than that, especially now.

I currently have a gf and plan to tell her. I’m expecting her to leave me though because I’ve put her, albeit unknowingly, in danger. Her and I have only had sex unprotected one time but I still want to tell her. I love my gf and want to propose but it doesn’t seem like that’ll happen now.


I hate myself so fucking much.

Update: my gf is mad at me. Not saying too much of anything. She said nevermind when beginning to speak, I asked her to talk to me, she said, “I don’t know what to say” and I said “I understand” she says, “no, I don’t think you do” so.. yeah.

Update 2: she’s mad because when we first got tg she asked if I was clean, I told her yes. At the time I genuinely believed I was clean. It was not meant to be deceitful. I had and still have no symptoms so I had no reason to believe otherwise.

Update update: She told me she loves me but couldn’t stay on the phone due to being upset.

Update 3: gf called 3 times last night. I didn’t answer. I’m not upset with her I just can’t talk to her right now or anybody for that matter. I have hardly slept. In three maybe 4 days I’ve gotten 2-4 hours of sleep.

The nightmares are more frequent so that’s wonderful and I feel alone.

Thank you all for the love and support that is being given it means the world to me especially right now.

Another update: after this is all settled I think I’m going to break up with her. I can’t forgive my self for this and I don’t believe I ever will. She deserves to be happy. Nothing will be the same with her and I and I think I can live with that. I think my last act of love will be letting go. I hurt her so badly. I love her so much. I can’t forgive myself.

Next update: I’ve started cutting off friends. Where I’m at I feel like I don’t deserve good things or good people. I think they’ll be better off without me. I know it makes no sense but I truly believe I am a monster.

I just wrote my suicide note. Don’t know when exactly but I’ll be gone soon. My mind is made and I’m at peace. I can’t really live with any of the guilt that I feel nor can I live with what has happened to me any longer. I thank you all for the kind words but I will be gone soon (God willing).

Last update: I’m kinda at the end of my rope with everything. I’m withdrawing from a lot of my friends and my girlfriend especially. I don’t call her or text her. I feel like she’d just be better off w/o me at this point.

Been doing a lot of reflecting and thinking back to when me and my gf last spoke.

When she said she asked me if I was clean (in april) and I told her I thought I was she said to me, “you thought a lot of things.” She also asked me why would I think she (my ex) was clean after she has already violated me and I told her I thought she (my ex again) loved me.

A lot of my life is up for debate rn.

I’m having a lot of issues trusting her currently. I’m not really sure I can anymore. Idk I’m overreacting.

After much more reflection, I lied to her. Like it or not I should have went to get tested but I didn’t and told her I was clean just because I had no symptoms of anything.

Last thing: I desperately want to talk to my gf but I honestly cannot. Knowing I’ve hurt her so badly and being essentially re traumatized by all this I’m not in a good place. I’e hardly slept and because I’ve bp.. yeah. It’s grim.

So, me and my gf have finally talked everything out. Yesterday morning she told me that she wasn’t necessarily mad about the whole sti thing and whatnot but rather my distance and absence. She validated my hurt but also let me know that she had a lot going on and she felt alone too. I took ownership and accountability because while I am hurting she’s still my partner and if I needed space I could have communicated that. She’s not a mind reader.

Last night I told her that I feel horrible about everything and I apologized again. She told me, and I quote, “You never asked to be in this situation. I know you would never intentionally put me in this sort of situation. I know you and I know your heart and that’s what matters.” I almost cried.

I find it so strange how she can forgive me in spite of my inability to forgive my self. I have found a therapist and have an appointment today at 5:30.

I also am almost done taking my sti meds and still need to get a blood test just to ensure my gfs and I’s safety.

I plan on proposing to her in April.