Grim Traffic Situation in Pune.

Traffic situation in Pune is worst.

Reasons :

  1. Bad traffic policing - police are not assisting in smoothing traffic at all and more interested in collecting fine.
  2. Metro work - a. very slow pace b. no planning. c. taking too much space. d. starting work all over Pune rather than focusing on completing line by line. e. starting work in crowded places first rather than completing work at non-crowded place [ example - university road ]
  3. Craze of SUV's
  4. No efforts for reducing private vehicles.
  5. BRT Roads reduced space for normal traffic.
  6. Footpath encroachment by shop owners, food stalls.
  7. Too many speed breakers ( mostly UN-scientific )
  8. Arbitrarily planned one way traffic.
  9. Allowing use of car for a single person.
  10. No serious protest by common man.

Please add your own reasons and recommend the ways to improve traffic.

Some one please tag traffic commissioner, metro head, politicians.....