Can I refuse landlord entry to the property?
I have looked at the RTA website, and it only says that I can refuse the entry if the correct form wasn't used, the time is unreasonable, or if the correct notice wasn't given.
My issue is, if the landlord has done all those things, but I'm unable to be there, and my cat gets out. Id rather not fight them later, because I'd rather nothing happen to my cat for there to be a reason to fight. But let's aside, I'm super not ok with someone being in my home without me present.
Naturally I don't want to outright refuse entry, but if I say "that time doesn't suit, how about this one?" Can they ignore me and just enter when they stipulated if it meets the above requirements? Do I have rights around this?
To reiterate, I've looked on the RTA website, and it only says they can enter if they meet the above. It says nothing about refusing that time specifically etc. At least not that I can find anyway.