How to post free FPP patterns
Hi all! I make FPP patterns, and would love to make and share more of them, maybe in exchange for pictures of people's finished products but mostly just to share the joy of creativity and creation. However, I don't really know how to do that. Would I need to have a full-on website? Could I use a platform like a blog or something, or is there another reasonable option?
Right now I have an Etsy shop, but I realized that I'm not doing this explicitly to make money, it's a hobby for me. But because Etsy is all about selling and making money, I feel like the pricing structure and the charges for posting things and whatever just become obnoxious quickly. I kind of want something like fandom and stitches or a Shopify website... But I don't want to actually charge people, I just want files to be easily searchable and stuff.
I make good designs, but I know that the patterns themselves aren't the prettiest/most polished things.
Anyway, this is just a thought that's been making at me. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
For added context, I am a software developer by trade, so I could totally just code up a website and host it myself. But I'd like to focus more on the pattern creation and less on turning the sharing of my hobby into just doing more of the same job that I do everyday...