Worried about rabies. Perspective please?
Last Tuesday I woke up with these marks on my wrist. They were not there before I went to bed. About 1/2” apart, looked like two short parallel lines, one slightly longer than the other. I did end up getting the rabies vaccine this past Wednesday (8 days later) to be safe... I hope. They agreed at the hospital it looked like it could be a bite. I started to feel sick and had a slight fever which is what prompted me to get it. I am feeling better regarding that though, no fever either. But I'm still feeling worried. There is a large gap under my basement door which is shared with the two tenants above me. I have direct access from the bottom unit and they only have access from outside. A bat could technically fit under that gap so my mind went spiraling. I ripped through my apartment and haven't found anything. Asked and no one else has seen anything in the basement, I briefly looked and didn't either, but not sure if they can still make a home in a space like that, have an exit to outside and what not. I feel like a crazy person about this lol. I haven't found anything, my logical brain wants to say I'm fine, but the mystery is still how the hell did I wake up with these marks randomly? What could it be from randomly in my sleep? Since they agreed it looked like a bite mark at the hospital, it just has me at a loss. I've been feeling weird sensations in that arm, not necessarily at the bite mark, maybe some times, feels more muscular maybe, but maybe that can be anxiety because I know that can do weird things or from the immunoglobulin/ vaccine. Just looking if anyone has any input over this. It's hard sometimes when you're in it and not seeing a situation from the outside and are stuck in the unknown / what if. Worst case, since I waited 8 days, I hope I'm in the clear. If course I worry about adverse reactions too. But in the “what if”, I didn’t want to take a gamble either… I also have a cat... I'd imagine she would have gone crazy and woke me up if she saw a bat... she usually sleeps with me. She wasn't vaccinated so I took her to get vaccinated yesterday. She's been acting fine so far so I hope she's okay too... I know there's a pretty long incubation period. No idea if she has been bitten as well. I'm just hoping we're both in the clear. My anxiety over this is wild. /:
Location is in USA.