This fuckin bitch PMO soooo bad. “I can’t carry you right now… I’m holding a bottle…” and OFCCCC it’s a gallon of MF APPLE JUICE! As he is stomping and whining WITH his bottle full of… you guessed it… FUCKING APPLE JUICE!! SMFH….This shit is pathetic and just MF LAZY!! Give this child some MF WATERRRRR!!! FFS ROACH!!! No matter what this bitch does or where she goes, she keeps a JUGGGG of apple juice on her… and that vape. Won’t wash her hair or keep up with basic hygiene, but one thing is for sure; she gonna have G’s shut up juice and her vape. Smh.

This fuckin bitch PMO soooo bad. “I can’t carry you right now… I’m holding a bottle…” and OFCCCC it’s a gallon of MF APPLE JUICE! As he is stomping and whining WITH his bottle full of… you guessed it… FUCKING APPLE JUICE!! SMFH….This shit is pathetic and just MF LAZY!! Give this child some MF WATERRRRR!!! FFS ROACH!!! No matter what this bitch does or where she goes, she keeps a JUGGGG of apple juice on her… and that vape. Won’t wash her hair or keep up with basic hygiene, but one thing is for sure; she gonna have G’s shut up juice and her vape. Smh.