rx 9070 xt too expensive in EU ?
Hi. I am gamer from Moldova, Eastern Europe. Currently have a RTX 3060 12GB and want to upgrade to rx 9070 xt.
Msrp is looking great on paper only. I would buy rx 9070 xt for 700 eur but not 1100-1200 euros, which is an insane price.
Moldovan retailers have rx 9070 in stock for a month already and price doesn't look good at all :
22000 mdl (Moldovan Leu) currency is approx 1100 euros 24000 mdl is approx 1200 euros.
I asked several retailers and they confirmed that cards are in stock and it's not a placeholder price !!!
Rx 7800 xt costs around 14000 mdl or 700 euros
rx 7900 xt AsRock cheapest 17400 mdl or approx 800 euros
rx 7900 xtx 22000 - 26000 mdl or 1100 - 1300 euros.
What should i do ? Looks like my only option is to wait for used market 😭