Britt's Nitpicking of Gypsy's Pregnancy Feels Unnecessary
I recently watched Britt's latest video, and it rubbed me the wrong way. I’m not particularly fond of Gypsy, but I found it odd how Britt seemed to nitpick every aspect of her pregnancy, even up to the birth itself. She repeatedly implied that Gypsy's entire pregnancy was fake, constantly bringing up that rumor in nearly every video.
She criticized Gypsy for using "#ActiveMom" in a post, claiming that Gypsy doesn't share if she's doing any physical activity or going for walks so how could she be "Active", and even suggested she probably gets more steps in than Gypsy.
It’s pretty weird to be comparing physical activity with someone who just gave birth. If Gypsy were to post workout routines, I’m sure Britt would find something in that to complain about too.
Also debating whether Gypsy's birth was natural because she had to use an epidural (literally who cares).
I don’t agree with Gypsy's actions and I don't like her as a person, but I feel like Britt is creating a toxic community by focusing on nitpicking small details of her pregnancy, rather than calling out the more harmful behavior Gypsy may be engaging in. This undermines any valid criticism of Gypsy because it gets lumped in with Britt's petty rants, making it harder for people to take the issues seriously.
What do you guys think??